Doxygen utilities
No Matches

The doxygen-awesome-alerts extension provides support for GitHub's alert syntax. See [Markdown] An option to highlight a "Note" and "Warning" using blockquote (Beta) for more information.



  • Ensure you have doxygen-awesome properly configured for this project
  • Add doxygen-awesome/doxygen-awesome-alerts.js to HTML_EXTRA_FILES in your Doxyfile

‍[!TIP] If you have already created a custom HTML_HEADER you can skip the next 2 steps

  • Run doxygen -w html header.html delete_me.html delete_me.css in a command prompt and delete the files called delete_me
  • Set HTML_HEADER to the path of your header.html file in your Doxyfile
  • Add
    <script type="text/javascript" src="$relpath^doxygen-awesome-alerts.js"></script>
    to the <head> node of your header.html
  • Activate the extension by also putting
    <script type="text/javascript">DoxygenAwesomeAlerts.init();</script>
    into your header.html's <head> node.

The supported tags


will now be replaced in all quotes.



> [!NOTE]
> Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.

‍[!NOTE] Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.


> [!TIP]
> Optional information to help a user be more successful.

‍[!TIP] Optional information to help a user be more successful.


> Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.

‍[!IMPORTANT] Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.


> Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.

‍[!WARNING] Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.


> Negative potential consequences of an action.

‍[!CAUTION] Negative potential consequences of an action.

Sanity checks

Single line


No tag

‍Foo Bar


‍[!UNRECOGNIZED] This will not be replaced


‍[!UNCLOSED The tag was not closed, so this will not be replaced either.